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"Coaching with Jennifer exceeded my expectations. I learned to be more comfortable giving feedback, better understand my role as a leader, and be an enabler vs. always having answers. I’m seeing a positive result for the business, including a better team environment that is allowing execution of key initiatives, greater ELT visibility, and better personal relationships leading to better performance.”

Head of Enhanced Due Diligence, Global Financial Technology Company

Jennifer Davis

Executive Coach

(click here to download bio)

Jennifer Davis is an Executive Leadership Coach who creates an environment of curiosity that enables improved performance through changes in awareness, perspective, beliefs, actions and emotions. She has helped many high-performing individuals and teams – from entrepreneurs, to Fortune 500 executives, to Executive Directors – find the inspiration and clarity needed to achieve meaningful growth. Her areas of specialty include maximizing leadership and leadership communication, team and personal effectiveness, leveraging strengths, increasing resilience and executive presence, becoming comfortable with conflict, and decreasing stress through mindfulness and emotional processing.

Jennifer is passionate about connecting clients to the inner strength that allows them to maximize their impact on their companies, teams, relationships, and the world. She works with leaders to identify their core competencies, and to discover how their strengths can be used less reactively and more creatively to increase impact and maximize business results. She supports clients to find their authentic inspiration, improve leadership skills, and set and achieve professional and personal goals. She challenges clients to step outside of their normal way of thinking and into a dynamic space of imagination to access intuition and creativity. Her coaching is personalized, wholistic, and is high on authenticity, fun and humor.

Break Through Business Results

Jennifer leverages her own experience as a leader, optimism, strategic thinking skills and tested coaching frameworks to enable clients to attain tangible results.

  • CEO of biomedical start-up challenged to increase executive presence. Coaching supported inspiring storytelling – growing trust and engagement. The leader learned to more skillfully manage conflict and feedback conversations, thereby improving collaboration. His increased gravitas and clearer communication to investors successfully supported an IPO.
  • Coached Head of Compliance Department at a global bank to shift her style – becoming an “enabler” of her team rather than providing them solutions. Empowering her team resulted in increased proactivity among her leaders and more engagement from support organizations. This drove better business performance and increased satisfaction on the team.
  • Vice President of Sales used coaching to reframe roles and responsibilities, giving him space to focus on vision. Outcomes included less stress, improved work/life balance and clear communication of the Sales vision across the organization that drove unprecedented growth.
  • Coached executives on breaking down long-held personal and cultural barriers to “owning the room” in their communications so they could become more inspiring leaders. Feedback from senior management noted the leaders’ increased gravitas. Outcomes included increased responsibility and promotion.

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Professional Expertise
  • Executive Coaching
  • Complex Matrix Organizations
  • Sales
  • Start-Up
Industry Expertise
  • Consulting
  • Consumer Goods
  • Entrepreneurial Enterprises
  • Investment Banking
  • Marketing & Branding
  • Non-Profit
  • Strategy
  • MBA – Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • BA: Economics, French – Tufts University
  • Break Through Consulting Business Results Coaching Certification
  • Professional Certified Coach: International Coach Federation
Positions Held
  • Executive Coach – Break Through Consulting
  • Preferred Executive Coach – Stanford Graduate School of Business Alumni
  • Product Director – Johnson & Johnson
  • Brand Director – General Mills
  • Investment Banker – Kidder, Peabody

"I worked with Break Through Consulting to design an onboarding program for our experienced hires at Tyco. The pilot program has produced both qualitative and quantitative results that indicate a strong return on investment. I am thrilled!"

Maureen Nash - Director Organization Development, Tyco Flow Control

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